Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Other and Political Opinions( 4th – 8th Jan, 2021)
Other and Political Opinions( 4th – 8th Jan, 2021)

 Prime Minister Hun Sen called the oil output “a blessing.” And yet, in one of the most authoritarian and corrupt countries in East Asia, a place where Hun Sen has throttled the remnants of Cambodia’s pseduodemocracy in recent years, who will actually benefit from the new oil production? Oil revenues will likely further entrench the power of Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Cambodian People’s Party.;;

As the Sino-Cambodian relations become stronger, the effect is felt in the Cambodia-Vietnam relations. Thus, given the significant role that both China and Vietnam play in Cambodia’s economic and security interests, Phnom Penh needs to be particularly careful in walking the delicate tightrope balancing Beijing and Hanoi.;