Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party ( 10th – 14th May, 2021)
Political Party ( 10th – 14th May, 2021)

Despite some minor parties calling for the postponement of the Commune
Council Election next year due to the COVID-19 community outbreak, the
ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has said that it has no interest in
requesting for a suspension of the sub-national election.


Former CNRP officials and their families say they are worried that assaults
against them will continue, “again and again,” and remain unsolved by
police, following last month’s attack against a 15-year-old — whose mother
says she was “neglectful” for not making him wear a helmet outside.


The ruling Cambodian People’s Party blasted former opposition leader Sam
Rainsy for calling on people to march to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s residence
as well as revolt against the government.


In another case of violence against people linked to the upended opposition
CNRP, a Phnom Penh activist was surrounded by four men at a Chroy Changva
market and beaten with metal rods in broad daylight.;