Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (14th – 17th, Jun, 2021)
Political Party (14th – 17th, Jun, 2021)

Former senator of the Sam Rainsy Party Thak Lany, who received amnesty in
March, has been granted an appointment as the Ministry of National Assembly
and Senate Relation’s secretary of state following a signed royal decree by
King Norodom Sihamoni on June 12.;

Muth Chanta, a close aide to former CNRP president Kem Sokha and recently
requested the government   for a pardon  has written to Chiv Kata, who was a
former senior CNRP official, seeking clarification over the Sun TV fund
money which the latter allegedly withdrew from a bank account when the party
was dissolved on November 16, 2017.;