Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (17th – 21st July, 2023)
Political Party (17th – 21st July, 2023)

Cambodia banned exiled opposition figurehead Sam Rainsy from running for office for 25 years after he urged people to spoil their ballots at this weekend's general election.;
Out of the ruling CPP’s 125 candidates for the national elections, at least 28 people — 22.4% — are cronyism on the ballot, a review of the candidate list reveals. About 9.7 million Cambodians go to the polls on July 23 for a one-sided election, which will secure Prime Minister Hun Sen’s absolute authority and an endorsement for a widely-anticipated transfer of power to his eldest son Hun Manet.;
The Candlelight Party (CP) has denied any involvement in calls for the electorate not to vote or to spoil their ballots on Sunday’s National Election Day.;
A former Candlelight Party Member, who joined the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) in June, fled Cambodia earlier this month due to fear and security concerns after he decided to leave the ruling party.;