Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (20th – 24th September, 2021)
Political Party (20th – 24th September, 2021)

Prime Minister Hun Sen has defended his intention not to amend the constitution to pave the way for legal immunity for former prime ministers, Nationally Assembly or Senate presidents after they lose power, blasting former opposition leader Sam Rainsy for saying he wanted to initiate such the law. The exiled leader of Cambodia’s banned opposition party would offer a pardon to strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen if he were to step down from power over the country he has ruled with an iron fist since 1985.;
The leaders of newly-created parties have brushed aside condemnation and criticism by former opposition leader Sam Rainsy who has accused them of bowing to the ruling party as elections are approaching.;
A former prominent lawyer for the court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leader Phann Chansak, who is now a politician, is in hot water after the Bar Association vowed to take strict action against him for violating the lawyers’ code of ethics and the Bar Council Election campaign. In a statement on September 21, BAKC said the lawyer, Phan Chansak, violated its code of ethics. “BAKC condemns the action of lawyer Phan Chansak, who posted a public message on Telegram group CLO-Cambodian Lawyers on September 18-19, 2021, announcing the sale of one ballot for $1,000 while candidates are campaigning for the election,”;
Senior FUNCINPEC officials said they will file a complaint with the Ministry of Interior early next week seeking the revocation of seal of party president, the signature of Prince Norodom Ranariddh which is now controlled by his wife, Princess Norodom Marie Ranariddh. As the 2022 Commune Council elections approach, Prince Norodom Ranariddh’s Funcinpec party and the Khmer National United Party (KNUP) led by Nhek Bun Chhay have agreed to merge and plan to hold a congress before the poll.;