Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (28th Jun – 02nd July, 2021)
Political Party (28th Jun – 02nd July, 2021)

The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) leaders outlined their views on
the history of struggle and achievements under the CPP-led government over
the past 42 years, and the 70th anniversary of the CPP’s founding;

The newly-created opposition Cambodia National Heart Party (CNHP) has
denied its involvement with former top leaders of the court-dissolved
Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), Sam Rainsy and Eng Chhay Eang.;

Cambodian authorities have sent the teenaged autistic son of a jailed
member of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) to Prey Sar Prison after
being charged with incitement and insulting public officials, his mother

Fledgling political parties in Cambodia are eyeing seats in next year’s
commune elections, but they admit their chances of winning seats are slim,
and their limited resources and experience mean it is a challenge just to
put up candidates.;

Seven of the nine former CNRP’s activists who were charged with causing
social unrest by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court that they gathered in front
of the Chinese Embassy in Chamkar Mon district on October 23 last year.
During the trial, the seven accused appealed to the court to drop the
charges brought against them as they had not caused social unrest by
gathering in front of the Embassy. The nine accused lawyer, Sam Sokong told
the court that his clients had gone to the Chinese Embassy to submit a
petition for China to abide by the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements and respect
the law and guarantee human rights and democracy in Cambodia.;