Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (29 October to 02 November 2018)
Political Party (29 October to 02 November 2018)

Having previously expressed interest in joining the prime minister’s “Consultation Forum”, senior officials from the Grassroots Democratic Party (GDP) and Our Motherland Party (OMP) have now rejected the chance to join the body, with one anxious to avoid “getting stuck in the mess”.;

The ruling political  party CPP leader  Mr. Hun Sen took issue with a prominent political analyst, calling him a “fool” for his critical comment on the outcome of the prime minister’s one-week trip to Europe and Turkey last month. A ruling CPP spokesman has slammed a political analyst for calling on the King to mediate discussions between Prime Minister Hun Sen and former opposition leader Sam Rainsy. The CPP spokesman defends  that the CPP government has never been sanctioned by the UN for violating human rights, noting that the rapporteur and other rights workers are biased.

He explained that the political situation in Cambodia is making “good progress”. He accused “local and foreign dogs” of trying to intimidate and mislead people into thinking the contrary.;;;;