Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (29th May – 02nd June, 2023)
Political Party (29th May – 02nd June, 2023)

The Candlelight Party (CP) has decided to continue to explore ways to be legally registered for the July 23 general election that the party is also getting ready for the 2028 ballot. Opposition Candlelight Party’s Vice President Rong Chhun postponed the mass rally he had planned for this weekend to protest his party’s disqualification from the July elections. Candlelight Party leaders denied Prime Minister Hun Sen’s accusations that it had intentionally disqualified itself from the national elections as a political ploy.;
Ou Chanrith, a former member of the Standing Committee and a former CNRP lawmaker from Kandal province, has decided to secede and stop his political activities abroad with Sam Rainsy and former CNRP. This is according to Chanrith’s letter to PM Hun Sen on May 31.;