Free, fair and transparent elections as well as maximal participation. From the people to choose the right leader and to have meaningful election results
Political Party (31st October – 04th November, 2022)
Political Party (31st October – 04th November, 2022)

Approximately 200 of Candlelight Party’s 2000 commune councilors signed a petition condemning opposition leader Sam Rainsy, but only under coercion from local authorities, said Candlelight vice president Tach Setha. The Ministry of Interior has rejected a statement made by the Candlelight Party (CP) claiming that its party members throughout the country have been threatened and coerced by local authorities to approve and sign petitions prepared by the authorities contrary to their will. Local commune councilors affiliated with Cambodia’s main opposition Candlelight Party on walked out of a meeting where they were asked to publicly condemn Hun Sen’s exiled political rival Sam Rainsy.;
A defense lawyer who was among 118 opposition officials banned from politics for five years is looking to join the Candlelight Party once the ban ends on November 16.;
Son Chhay’s defense lawyer has filed an appeal against a defamation conviction over the Candlelight Party vice president saying that votes were stolen during this year’s commune election.;
The Ministry of Justice gave a green signal to contact Interpol and bring Sam Rainsy, former president of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), before justice for insulting King Norodom Sihamoni.;
Candlelight Party leaders have called on the EU to help improve Cambodia's political environment ahead of next year's National Assembly elections.;